CASC is a large state-owned enterprise group and engaged mainly in the research, design, manufacture and launch of space systems such as launch vehicles, satellites and manned spaceships as well as strategic and tactical missiles.It also provides international commercial satellite launch services.
By the end of 2013, CASC had total assets of RMB 294.02 billion and boasted more than 170 thousand employees in total, including more than 30 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE).
The main goal of the agreement is to cooperate with CDI China and leverage CDI’s e-publishing technology to develop CASC current publishing business and upgrade their relevant publishing resources and channels.
CDI Systems’ CEO – Mr. Itzhak Levit – said: “I am thrilled to sign this cooperation agreement with CASC which strengthens our presence on the Chinese market and paves the way to a fruitful collaboration with such a respected institution and in fact, China’s largest SOE (State Owned Enterprise). It will also significantly increase our outreach to different geographical areas of China”.
CASC – China Center for Aerospace Science and Technology International Communications Director – Mr. Zhou Xiubin – “CDI is the perfect example of Israeli high-tech companies we are looking to cooperate with. The uniqueness of their technology and their proven track record in this field will help to develop and upgrade CASC affiliates publishing houses”.
About CDI Systems
CDI Systems is a private high-tech company founded in 1992, headquartered in Jerusalem, Israel. CDI focuses on the development of a unique and innovative e-publishing platform – NetIS™, the company has successfully deployed scores of solutions for the Internet, Intranet, Mobile Internet, tablets and eReader devices.
Deployments range from global giants such as Dun & Bradstreet, EDQM (The European Directory for The Quality of Medicines), government contracts, CIP, a large publishers in China, traditional publishers shifting to e-publishing as well as STM, legal, think tanks magazines and market research information.
For more information about CDI Systems and about NetIS, visit
CDI Systems Contact:
Rachel Kanat- Business Development Manager
Phone: +972 2 5870112