
The sale of digital content faces many obstacles, including unlawful re-distribution of electronic information and subscription-based patterns, which still dominates and act as a barrier to purchasing content online.

On the other hand, the increase of tablets and smart mobile devices available in the market and the fall in prices, all lead to a dramatic growth for mobile content and services demand.

When the grand, gray lady of newspapers, The New York Times, changes its tagline from ―All the News That’s Fit to print to ―All the News That’s Fit to Click, there is no question that momentous changes are underway in the publishing industry. In this ever-changing arena, publishing and selling digital content poses technological and market challenges for which CDI Systems leveraged many years of experience in the field.

These efforts culminated with the development of a unique solution – NetIS™- a state of the art ecommerce platform tailored specifically for the needs of publishers and content owners willing to establish and control their own B2C content sales and make profit out of content sales.

In this page you can see the range of areas and customers’ type where the company’s technology has been applied over the years.