NetIS enabled Takdin to become Israel’s leading provider of legal content with a database of over 3 Million documents. Takdin is a “must have” including thousands law offices, Ministries, The Court System, private & State Attorneys. CDI Systems leveraged this rich and proven experience to develop a specific solution – NetIS for Legal Content – which incorporates all the required tools for running a website that provides legal content. Among others, pre-processing tools for creating automatic links between documents, sophisticated search capabilities (including morphology), classifications tools, robots for retrieving automatically relevant documents from official sources as well as hierarchical law and case law trees.
Israel’s most trusted resource of articles, laws, codes, treaties and comments that deal with taxes and economic issues.
The most comprehensive resource of German tax laws.
The most trusted resource of laws, regulations and judicial decisions in Germany.
The Institute for Taxation and Economic Counseling Ltd., founded in 1978 (Mastax), is a publisher of tax literature as well as a recognized institution by the Israel Tax Bureau, authorized to deliver preparatory courses for the Israeli Tax Advisers Committee exams.