For every organization dealing with premium content, having powerful security is always a necessity. The lack of ability to track the amount of “real users” in web applications creates excess usage and loss of income. Using NetIS, any organization can easily overcome this challenge, ensuring that they are able to count the number of actual users, identify attempts to exceed the number of concurrent users and thus ensure customer’s usage is compatible with their license. NetIS proprietary embedded SEO set of algorithms pull extremely high ranking on giant search engines thus enabling owners of Reference and Database Solutions to get maximum exposure on search engines.
EDQM (The European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines) – The European Pharmeuropa Bio & Scientific Notes database.
CIP – One of the largest China publishers, engaged in the publication of STM, mechanical electronic databases and educational books.
The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book Project – A comprehensive interactive bibliography of all books printed in the Hebrew Language between 1473 and 1960.
EDQM (The European Directorate for the Quality of Medicine) – European Pharmacopoeia is the official European reference work for the quality control of medicines and substances for pharmaceutical use.