EDQM – European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines
The European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines was first created in 1996. One of the most major parts of EDQM is the European Pharmacopoeia, set up in 1964 as an initiative to guarantee the quality of medicine within Europe. The official standards published by the European Pharmacopoeia provide the foundations for the control of medicines during all parts of the creating and selling process. The quality standards set forth in the European Pharmacopoeia are mandatory to be used by all producers of medicine within the signatory states of the Convention used by the European Union. As an organization that deals with sensitive data, having powerful security is always a necessity. EDQM had originally worked through payments of flat fees based on deferred customer declaration, which meant that the system was built on the trust that users themselves would declare how they used the information truthfully. After a concern arose on this respect, EDQM began to scrutinize its online publishing solutions. Soon enough, EDQM found that its lack of ability to track the amount of “real users” was creating excess usage and loss of income. NetIS’ unique system enabled EDQM to easily overcome this challenge. In addition to its content management, search, CRM capabilities and features specifically developed to suit EDQM’s needs, NetIS ensured that EDQM would be able to count the number of actual users, identify attempts to exceed the number of concurrent users and report to NetIS back office. With NetIS, EDQM could control its databases and ensure customer’s usage is compatible with their license.